
The “SteveSpeak” blog originated as a sub-site of cgWerks, as the blog of owner Steve Wilkinson. It covers a variety of topics, from technology to cars, and cooking to religion, but often with a touch (or even a lot!) of opinion. When cgWerks formalized as a business site, this blog was split out to maintain the wide variety of subject matter, with the technical articles remaining on cgWerks.

Later, when I started TilledSoil, I further separated out the theology and Christian apologetics articles to that site. What is found here, is what remained and didn’t fit into either of those two other sites.

I basically write about things that interest me. I hope you enjoy it, maybe learn a bit once in a while, and that it doesn’t make you too angry if you disagree. I welcome your feedback in post comments (just keep it civil, please).

Besides being a husband and father, I am also a designer / consultant at cgWerks (3D visuals, CAD/BIM, formerly website design, and tech consulting), and director / educator at TilledSoil.org (a Christian apologetics training organization). If these areas interest you, please check the sites out.

If you would like to directly contact me, please use the form on my contact page.