Economics: Vegas Style!

The article, “Trading program sparked May ‘flash crash’” today (Oct 1, 2010) by Ben Rooney at confirms what I have feared for quite some time: there may be a good deal of ‘intelligence’ involved in the stock market, but very little wisdom. The article outlines how a computer program was monitoring a certain type of stock, which reached a …

Bipartisan Boondoggle

I am currently taking a class on Christianity and Capitalism at school. We’re looking at the underlying assumptions of economic systems (esp. capitalism) to see how they fit into a Christian worldview. While doing some research I ran across this interesting article by A. M. C. Waterman. He has some interesting stuff to say about our current economic situation and …

Have we figured out what hit us?

For anyone still wondering how the U.S. got into the economic mess it is now entangled in, this entry is for you. Here is a hint, as put by Alan Pisarski in this Washington Post article. “You keep doing what you’re doing, and you just keep assuming that growth is going to go on forever. And then at some point …

Automaker bailout… an extremely dangerous trend!

With talk of a bailout of GM (General Motors) looming, I figured I had to make some kind of comment. In the past, I have commented several times in this blog about the poor management decisions of GM and other automakers. I noted that just about any person off the street would have seen the trends coming that have put …

If you hear an ‘oink’… duck!

Yes my friends, the time has come to be vigilant for low flying pigs. Why you ask? Well listen closely… very closely.. cause I’m only going to say this once. Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer said something that I actually agree with. Gasp! Ekk! Did I really just say that? Now, in case you haven’t been following along, it is really no …

Got… a clue?

First, we hear that GM is having problems and cutting back. Now, about a month later, we hear the same or worse news from Ford. Huge cuts and changes affecting tens to hundreds of thousands of employees. I feel very bad for these folks. While in my field, IS/IT, jobs can be had just about anywhere, the same is not …

Galileo’s Telescope: The Sequel?

There has been a lot of debate recently on ‘science’ vs. Intelligent Design. I’ve been following all this quite a bit as both an ‘amateur scientist’ and ‘amateur theologian’. I wrote this essay for a class, so I thought I would throw it up here. I’m also preparing a more in-depth technical analysis that is still on the editorial table… …

Sony gets spanked!

AP writer Liz Austin reports on Thursday that Sony is being sued by the Texas Attorney General and a California-based digital rights group over their latest botch of an attempt at DRM (Digital Rights Management). I’m laughing by butt off on this one, but it is not because I’m some music stealing kid going, “Score another win for the pirates …